December 2020

We opened up and shut down again!

After a moth of lockdown, we had a brief period where we could open up  our sessions, but as Covid-19 cases accelerated across London , organised sport was again closed down, but this is what we did do in December.


We got involved in the Canal and River Trust’s public consultation regarding the canal in Southall. If you have not already, please do get involved and help the Club support these improvements to the Canal in Southall.

Screenshot 2020-12-04 at 11.40.41

We opened up after Lockdown 2.0.


Rick lanced his modelling career, with his range of what to wear whilst canoeing in cold weather.


And we managed some much needed maintenance on the slalom course at Harefield.


Unfortunately we had to cancel our Christmas paddling plans due to Covid-19 restrictions.

We hope that you had a good Christmas under the difficult circumstances and we look forward to seeing you soon. Please take a look at our Project 21 Plans for 2020.
