A new chapter begins …
We are pleased to announce the birth of the Greenford Sharks at Horsenden Primary School Yesterday May 30th. We look forward to an exciting ne chapter in the development of The Sharks.

The response to the test session at Horsenden Primary School Pool on Monday 30th May, was amazing, with 30 youngsters taking part. Big thank you to the staff at Horsenden School for their help and support, in getting this project off the ground.

We will be running a session at Greenford Quay on Wednesday 1st June as the next part of the project. We will then publish the plans for regular weekly sessions at Greenford Quay and the occasional ad hoc sessions during the holidays at Horsenden School Pool.
The aim of the aim of the session in the pool was to get local families interested to show how safe it is and to give them the confidence to get out on the canal and give it a go.

A bit of a strange scene, but yes getting people to float in the water wearing a buoyancy aid really helped to reassure parents how safe it would be As well as coming out of the kayak when upside down, it also demonstrated how unlikely they were to capsize in teh first place.

Paddling with hands only gave the youngsters the concept of how to move the boat before trying with paddles.

Thank you to everyone for coming and giving it a try, thank you to our coaches for the long session in the water and once again thank you to the School and its staff.
This is where we will meet on Wednesday 1st June for our first outdoor session. The Elsdale, which is moored on the canal at Tillermans Court, UB6 0FT.

Do you want to get involved? Give it a try? The Sharks are open to all ages, our oldest competitor is Richard Davis at a sprightly 83-years-old, so no excuses please, you know you want to come and have some fun, so why not get in touch: email canoeing@thesharks.org.uk or call 07951 770241.

We are grateful to: Greenford Quay, Canal & River Trust, Groundwork, British Canoeing, Horsenden Primary School, and Ealing Council.
Published 31st May 2022.