Meddling in C2!
Slalom Coach Rick Moore was racing in Canoe Doubles, with Richard Comer at Ironbridge and, yet again brining home the medals.

Saturday saw the guts take third place and collect 47 points and on Sunday the moved up to second place gaining another 32 points, they now sit 17th in the national C2 doubles rankings with a total of 255 points from three races.

Broaden your horizons, the Club has slalom canoes, both singles and doubles, why not give it ago and have some fun with a friend.
The Sharks Slalom Team meets at Harefield on Mondays, Wednesdays, and most Sundays, we always are open to new members, you do not need any experience of kit, just need to want to get involved, for more information call 07951 770241 or email:

Published 11th July 2022.