Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday Sessions start from Sunday 26th July
We have put in place protocols for protecting participants and staff, both ours and the National Trust, so we will operate in a slightly different way. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Sessions will operate on Saturdays till the end of September, Sundays till the end of October and Wednesdays till the end of August and August Bank Holiday Monday. Full details are available on our Osterley 2020 page.
There will be sessions at Noon, 12:45, 1:30pm and 3pm on the days we operate, we may add sessions to deal with additional demand, in which case we will update the relevant pages.
We will operate a cashless system of payment, please use the online booking system, if for any reasons sessions need to be cancelled due to changes in Government Policy or any local restrictions we will make a full refund. You will also be able to pay on the day by card or bank transfer, but please note the sessions can get busy and pre-booking is the only way to ensure you have a session.
In order to participate, pleas observe the following:
- Book in with our onsite staff, who will brief you of any rules you need to observe and give you necessary directions.
- Payment will be cashless, Cards or Bank Transfer accepted, if you have not already booked online.
- You will be asked to pick up your own paddles and buoyancy aides, please fee free to help people in your “social bubble”
- Social distancing rules must be observed (2 metres, except for your own “social bubble”).
- People will be got on in their “social bubble groups”, this may take longer than usual, so please be patient, you will get your full allotted time of 40 minutes on the water.
- When you get off, please deposit your paddles and buoyancy aid where directed, so that staff can clean them and prepare them for later use.
- We strongly recommend you use hand sanitiser before and after you paddle, to be honest you should be doing this anyway, irrespective of Covdi-19.
- If you have any changes in your health which may be Covid-19 related (this includes any of the symptoms or coming into contact with anyone who is showing any of the symptoms, you must notify the Club as soon as possible by email to: This is to ensure contact tracing and to protect everybody’s health. If you have not pre-booked, you will be asked to leave your contact details with us (this is a Government requirement for track and trace), the details will be destroyed after 21 days, unless you give us permission to use them to contact you with more information about The Sharks.
- And as always please follow the instructions of our staff, who are there to help you and to keep you safe.
Please note, if you wish to park a car onsite, you need to contact the National Trust and book a space, this is to ensure that social distancing and safe operation of the Park for staff and visitors, details are available here, you doo need to book your parking space by 3pm the day before your visit. Don’t forget it is FREE to Park at Osterley Park and other National Trust properties if you are a National Trust member.
At present the Park is open from 10am till 5pm, please make sure you have left the Park by 5pm, the Café is open till 4pm.
Please enjoy your day and feel free to contact us with suggestions and feedback, if you need any further information about our sessions at Osterley Park or about The Sharks in general, email us at: or call on 07951 770241.
We know this is a frustrating and difficult time but introducing these restrictions is essential to ensure your safety, the safety of our staff and other people. Thank you for your patience and support.