Teacher, Coach, Athlete
Aaron is currently ranked in Division 2 for Slalom Men’s K1, although not raced for a couple of years, he is one of our teachers and coaches, looking forward to seeing you race again soo.
He had a 14tth place finish at the Nene.

Aaron has qualifications in various sports, he teaches and coaches canoeing for us at all of our sites, but mainly concentrates on Slalom. Aaron is also a strength and fitness coach, so if you want to improve your performance in any area of sport, Aaron is the person to talk to.
After a stunning start to the season, Aaron has been promoted to in National Division 2 Men’s K1, in Men’s K1 Slalom. He finished the 2021 ranked 68th.

He has previously represented the London Borough of Hillingdon in the London Youth Games.

Aaron has been know to sit in some other shaped boats

And recently represented the Sharks in Hope for Southall, charity event during Lockdown

updated 24th November 2024