Something Special is happening in NW10
After a great re-launch of the Harlesden Canalside at Easter, we had an amazing Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Lots of local people getting active and having fun. This is just the start 2025, will be even better …
It doesn’t matter at what level you aspire to participate, the most important thing is you have fun, even Olympic champions have to enjoy what they do, or they would not have succeeded. So let us just take a look at what has been achieved in Harlesden in 2024. To get involved, find out more, why not call or text on 07951 770241 or drop us an email:
Picture – Tayla Murray Picture by Simon Annand Great Harlesden Canoe Race Great Harlesden Canoe Race Picture – Tayla Murray
The Re-launch
Whilst we have paddlers who participate all year round, generally people do not want to take up a water sport during the Great British Winter. So each Easter we re-launch to kick off our new season, to attract new members and have a fun time.
Working with our partners at Young Brent Foundation, Canal and River Trust, and others, we had a great day of activity at Harlesden Canalside, our home in Harlesden. The day included free activities, a chance to visit the boats and to go on board and see what we were planning for 2024.
This evet was also supported by the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, and Queens Park Rangers Football Club.
Over 130 people attended the event on Saturday March 30th, having fun, fun, fun.
Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray Picture – Tayla Murray
After School Clubs
We ran an after school club for Harlesden Primary School twice a week from April till the end of October, enabling 48 youngsters to come down and paddle regularly at no cost to the school or the participants, thanks to the sponsor ship of GLi Urban Life (KSP London).
We now have a ranking list for local paddlers on our 500metre course (this is a national and Olympic distance) which shows who is paddling at sessions in Harlesden. We are using this to build interest and attract people to join the challenge and to come back and beat their previous times.
Our after school clubs are an important part of our community work, not only do they enable us to provide opportunities to youngsters, but it helps us to recruit paddlers of the future (some of whom have gone on to race at national competitions) of the future and because of our sponsorship partnership it is Free, we would like to get more schools involved, so if you are interested in getting your school involved, give us a call on 07951 770241 or email
Holiday Sessions
Working closely with our partners at Canal and River Trust , we were able to host free sessions during the school holidays, GLi Urban Life (KSP London), also paid for the youngster at Harlesden Primary School to continue their session through the holidays.
The Holiday sessions have enabled us to reach out into the community, provide much needed activities and provide opportunities for people to try something new and something very different. These sessions have also helped us to recruit paddlers to our regular sessions, activities and events, including to our racing teams.
Our Weekly Club sessions
Running twice a week during the Summer months, (April to October) and at weekends during the Winter months, the Club offers opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to come and have some fun on the canal. This is a sport where families are welcome to take part together.
Picture – Tayla Murray
Our regular sessions have enabled a number of local youngster to paddle at regional and national events and this year we congratulate local paddlers who have raced for us …
Ivijah Campbell-Bryan
Under-14-years of age and ranked 51st in the 2024 Men’s Kayak singles Wild Water Racing rankings and third best under 14.
Ivijah is also ranked in national division 3 Slalom Men’s K1. Ivijah also races Marathon. Ivijah started with Harlesden Primary School.
Liah Boyle
Liah started attending our club sessions and has gradually got more involved in 2023 she was Ranked 12th in the UK Ladies K1 Wild Water Racing and second Under 16. Although not race WWR this season, she has become The Sharks top female slalom paddler and is ranked in National Division 3 Ladies’ K1. She has also started racing Marathon.
Abdurrahman Syed
One of three brothers who joined us via our partnership with local Scout groups. He has started to race both Wild Water and Slalom this season.
Abdullah Syed
At under eight-years-old, the youngest of the three brothers.
Saalih Syed
Maximilian Arbuzov
Maximilian first paddled with us during one of our sessions with Canal and River trust, he has recently completed his first Wild Water Race and raced at one of our mini-marathons.
Kiyan Zend Lashani
At just seven-years-old, currently our youngest ranked paddler, he is ranked as the top under 8 in the Country for Wild Water Racing, he has also raced in our mini-marathons. He also came via our partnership with Canal and River trust.
Want to join them and be part of the fun, all you need to do is email us: or call/text on 07951 770241.
Interesting Fact
The Sharks have both the youngest (Kiyan Zend Lashani) and the oldest (Richard Davis) ranked paddlers in the United Kingdom. There is eighty (80) years difference between them. Canoeing and Kayaking really is a sport for all!
Working together
What we have achieved in Harlesden is due to the great partnerships we have built, collaborative working has enabled us to create something out of nothing but an idea. Now we need to grow these partnerships so that we can continue to improve what we do, to get more people active, to get more people involved in running their club, to generate more income so we can upgrade facilities and build a canoe club that befits Harlesden.

Paddle UK, is the Sport’s governing body, they provide a lot of support in developing our projects in Harlesden and elsewhere, and not just to us but clubs across the Country, meaning there is an organised sport for us to take part in.

Young Brent Foundation has brought a new dimension to the Harlesden project, not just giving us access to a wider audience, but helping to run events and activities. The John Lyon Boat is a very welcome addition to the project in Harlesden.

The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, has made the Harlesden project possible, helping with infrastructure, providing funding and contacts. Organising events and activities.

The Queens Park Rangers Community Trust has supported our events and published details to ensure we reach a wide audience. This is a new partnership which we hope to further develop in 2025.

As mentioned above KSP London, has been sponsoring our afterschool project with Harlesden Primary School, and as well as supporting our holiday club sessions.

Canal and River Trust have been long time partners, hosting events with us and getting more people actively involved in using the canal.

Our project with Harlesden Primary School is now entering its fourth year and has managed to get nearly 200 youngsters on to the water.
Charity Work
The Great Harlesden Canoe Race was launched in 2024, it is open to any organisations to enter a team, the object is to raise money for or nominated charities. Six local companies took part and help raise money for
Brent Food Bank, helping local people in a time of crisis, to donate to their cause please click on the link.

QPR Community Trust, who tackle national issues at a local level, providing activities and opportunities in the local community.

The Canoe Foundation, helping to improve access to paddle sports.

This was just the start of a local fund raising initiative to help and support good causes, in 2025, we want to make this bigger and better, we want more people involved to help us raise more money. We need teams of four people, are you interested in getting your group/company involved? Why not give us a call/text on 07951 770241 or email us at:
In addition to our collective fund raising which is donating £200 to each of our nominated charities, individual members also raised for charity: Fleur Harman raised £1,800 for Sepsis Trust; and Grant Underwood raised £405 for British Heart Foundation.
Want to get involved for 2025?
The give us a call on 07951 770241 or email us at:

Published 26th December 2024