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Barrow-On-Soar on Saturday 15th December

A brilliant entry level race and a fun day out. The Barrow Race is about 3k (1.8 miles) long on the River Soar in Leicestershire.

It is a nice twisting river, which is ideal for all standards, from entry level up to international as it gives even the best racers a great work out.


The meeting place is at the Boathouse pub, LE12 8PN. From there you paddle along the canal as a short warm up, then portage a weir onto the River, the start is in the weir basin, then race back to the pub, which is where the finish line is.

The venue is about 100 miles from Harefield and we would need to leave Harefield at 7:15 (meet at 7pm). If you are interested in attending please contact Neal on 07951 770241 or email;

We were there earlier in the month, you can read the report here. We have also been to other races this year: Bucklers Hard and Fairthorne Manor.

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