Working Together makes us all Stronger
If your organisation is interested in exploring the possibilities please contact us on 07951 770241, email:
The Sharks are proud of the partnerships we have made, our collaborative working has helped us grow and helped us and canoe sport reach further into the community. Our previous partnerships are listed here, many are ongoing and we proud to be working with …
Paddle UK

Formerly known as British Canoeing – We are affiliated to the Sport’s governing body, it enables to be involved in the competitive disciplines, provides us with insurance and they support us in running events and by providing the sit-on-tops we use at Osterley Park, loaning us portable paddling machines and helping us establish our award winning Satellite Clubs. We encourage all our member to also join Paddle UK.
Young Brent Foundation

This Partnership is growing very fast and producing some amazing results, we are working together to provide more opportunities at Harlesden Canalside, one of the major benefits is the access we have to The John Lyon Narrow Boat, this really is an excellent two way partnership where we are able to enhance each others projects, just by working together. 2024, promises to build even further on this so keep watching this space.
National Trust

NWorking alongside the Trust, we are able to run our hugely popular and very successful family fun sessions at Osterley Park from April through to October. Help support this partnership by joining the National Trust. We make a donation to the national trust every time a person paddles at Osterley, just by having some fun you are helping the Trust preserve great places like Osterley Park for future generations.
Three Bridges Primary School

TWe run an after school canoeing club with School and teach core-time PE sessions during the Summer and Autumn Terms – Ofsted Report was outstanding, Our Southall base is at the school where we store kit and run community and club sessions. We are further developing our relationship with the School to see if it is possible for us to work together to provide more community opportunities.
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation

One of our strategic partners in creating a canoe club based in NW10 (Harlesden/Park Royal). They have helped in a number of ways including funding and providing facilities, the partnership is developing as we are looking at how we can have a permanent built base in the area as part of the regeneration programme, thanks to their help we have improved access and facilities at Harlesden Canalside.
Queens Park Rangers Community Trust

An exciting new partner for 2024, we will be working together to increase activity in the area, we will be supporting their community programme by providing canoeing opportunities for their participants and they will be supporting The Sharks by promoting our activities.
Ealing Council

Our Partnership with Ealing Council has more than one string to it, they are being supportive in our plans to develop a permanent base in Southall, we are currently working with their Children’s University Scheme to get more youngsters active, this is helping us to explore a new project at Greenford Quay, watch this space! We have managed their London Youth Games Canoeing Team, which has won medals in recent years. Ealing Council has also given financial support in the past and has supported us in a number of projects in a practical way.
Greenford Quay

The Sharks project at Greenford Quay has become and established venue and working with Greystar the company behind the development, who have been very supportive of us, we are mooring the Elsdale II boat there and using it as a clubhouse. The loan of the loan of the Elsdale is part of an exciting partnership with Groundwork. we are working together to bring the boat back into community use. This project has also been supported by Horsenden Primary School, whose pool we have been able to use to launch the site, and A J Sports.
Hillingdon Council

As well as managing their London Youth Games Canoeing Team, we have run many projects alongside Hillingdon’ Sports Development Team for many years, including running sessions for young carers. We have also attended events, activity days, come and try it sessions. We are also working with the Council’s planning team to establish facilities in Hayes. As well as supplying us with some kit.
Harlesden Primary School,

We have been running an afterschool club with Harlesden Primary School since 2022, we hope to continue to develop this partnership in the future.
KSP London

KSP London, has been sponsoring our afterschool project with Harlesden Primary School, and are supporting the development of facilities for us in NW10, working with the OPDC.
The Jason Roberts Foundation

The Jason Roberts Foundation has also been working with us this Summer, providing new experiences for the community in Harlesden, this is something we are hoping to build on in the future as we share the same philosophy.
Let’s Leap Sports Academy

Based in Southall at Three Bridges School, Let’s Leap run holiday clubs for local youngsters and we work alongside them delivering paddling opportunities. Working with Let’s Leap has enabled us to provide opportunities for youngsters through the Ealing HAF (Holidays Activities and Food Programme.
Let’s Go Southall

A Sport England funded organisation charged with getting the people of Southall Active, we are partnering them in running taster sessions on the canal in Southall. After running some pilot projects last year, we have been working behind the scenes to expand on the opportunities available for the people of Southall. L
Canal and River Trust

We work with C&RT on a number of projects to get people involved with the Canal, these vary from come and try it activities alongside their events to helping with litter picks. We have an exciting number of activities already planned for 2024, so keep watching …
Sybil Elgar School

is a school for autistic youngsters – we provide kayaking sessions at Osterley Park for curriculum time PE activities
The Learning Tree

The Learning Tree, running holiday activities for youngsters in Hounslow at Osterley Park
The Clancy Group

The Clancy Group support us in running the Division 4 Slalom at Harefield, by providing access to their site for car parking, camping, and the base for Control, they also donated portable toilet facilities for the weekend.
Horsenden Primary School

Working with Horsenden Primary School in Ealing, we are able to reach more youngsters who live near our Greenford Quay base. The School allow us free access to their swimming pool, in exchange for us running free sessions. We use this for safety work, general introduction sessions and rolling.
Updated 20th March 2024