The Sharks Sports Group CIC
We are pleased to announce that a Community Interest Company has been established to help us become even bigger and more importantly even better. Please read on for more information …
What does this mean for The Sharks?
From January 1st 2025, The Sharks Sports Group CIC was formally incorporated as a not-for-profit, Community Interest Company. Community Interest Companies are legal entities just like any other limited company, except they do not have share-holders and any excess revenue (profits) are reinvested in the business.
The Name The Sharks Sports Group was chosen, for a number of reasons, one of which it was easier to register than The Sharks (there had previously been a company by that name and although defunct, it was thought better to have a new name). We will however trade as The Sharks.
We also have interests in other sports and whilst they are not our main focus, we do envisage they will play an important part in our future. It also means we can work with other partners in delivering opportunities in sports, sharing expertise.
The Company Number is: 16153132
Initially the existing Club will continue to provide the services and opportunities it currently does, operating at Harefield, Harlesden, Southall and Osterley Park. Our affiliation to Paddle UK will remain the same our number is 100653, providing all the services and support the have been doing. So at a grass roots level, nothing will change.
The CIC will enable The Sharks to leverage more funding and more opportunities and we already have a number of those lined up for 2025. This will enable us to better serve our communities and to help our members achieve more.
Why Now?
This has been something we have been considering for sometime and did start the process before the pandemic. However, that changed our priorities and like many clubs and organisations, recovery and stabilisation were became the priorities.
We think the Club recovered remarkably well and not only have we stabilised, but we have also moved forward very quickly. So we felt it was time to register the company.
2025, also promises to be a key year for The Sharks, throughout 2024, there were many discussions going on regarding future developments and opportunities, we would not be able to grasp these opportunities without a formal company structure. Please wait for what we think will be an amazing and significant announcement soon …
The initial directors of the company are:
Neal Underwood – who will chair it initially and be responsible for business development. Neal has been doing this role since the inception of the club. Neal is a very experienced paddler who has competed in all the major disciplines. Away from sport he worked in communications.
Alistair Smorfit, – a former Swiss International Wild Water Paddler, who is to become of Financial Director, an area he has a lot of experience in.
Aaron Nolan – One of our experienced coaches and paddlers, he will take on the specific role of developing paddling within the club, this role will include ensuring our staff get teh opportunities to gain more qualifications and experience as well as developing programmes to support paddlers. Aaron also has a wide knowledge of other sports and training.
Grant Underwood – another international Wild Water Racing Paddler, although with considerable experience in other disciplines. Grant who was formerly employed in a communications role by Scottish Canoeing will become our lead person on communications.
Joanna Lechocka – not a paddler, but somebody who knows The Sharks very well and has a lot of experience in logistics and planning. She will be taking on the role of overseeing our operational organisation, in short ensuring we deliver on our intentions.
We will add more directors as required and as we develop, there will be some new structures set up to develop projects.
Can You Help?
This is a big venture with teh aim of making The Sharks a truly great club, we are already pretty amazing in what we do, but we think we can be better and do even more, provide more opportunities to more people and get more people achieving and we want you to help.
If you would like to be involved, or want further information please get in touch, Email: or call/text 07951 770241.
We need people with a variety of skills to help us. Everybody has transferable skills, you will be supported in whatever tasks you take on, we promise it will be a lot of fun, it will be exciting and you will be making a difference, providing people with opportunities.
Published 6th January 2025.