Tonbridge Marathon Results

Going from strength to Strength

Our Marathon team is growing and our results are looking good, time come and join us, paddle at new locations and have a fun day out kayaking.

Another race and another win for our youngest paddler, Ivijah Campbell-Bryan. Recently promoted to George Sanders (Under-14 races) Division A after is stunning win at Southampton last month. Ivijah won the Division A race of 4k in a time of 30 minutes and 1 second.

New to Marathon racing was Liah Boyle, an experienced slalom and Wild Water Racer, she was making her debut in Division 9, the entry level division for those over 14, she is 15, she completed the 8k course in a time of 53:22, coming 7th, a very good result for a first race.

Also racing was Shark coach Malcolm Blowers, who was racing in Division 7, he came 4th in a time of 49:24.

Published 29th August 2024