Greenford Quay paddling starts
32 people attended the first canal session of the newly formed Greenford Sharks section of the Club on Wednesday afternoon during half-term, this was following our successful Monday Pool Session at Horsenden School.

Thirty-two people is a brilliant start and with this in mind we are starting regular sessions from Monday June 13 at Greenford Quay, and they will take place each Monday and Wednesday, with hopefully more to come.

It was good to see so many people of varying ages on the water, children and adults, because canoeing is a sport for all. Whilst we have ideas about what we want to do, what we really want to hear is from you, what do you want from us? Let us know by emailing us at: or give us a call on 07951 770241.

Thanks to: Greenford Quay, Canal & River Trust, Groundwork, British Canoeing, and Ealing Council, for there help in getting this project up and running.

Published 2nd June 2022.